Paul Ball

Paul Ball is an oc/ alter ego that i created one day completely at random. i was doing a southern accent and putting on a character because it was very entertaining to my stepmom and it kind of spiraled from there.

i ended up creating a whole character out of him with a family and a backstory.
he’s 28 and he lives with his family on a farm in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. due to being completely isolated and never being allowed to go out for things like school, he and most of the others can’t read.
they have some odd beliefs due to their mother’s misinterpretations of the bible- for example the belief that the earth is flat.
as far as their family goes, there’s their grandma and grandpa, ma and pa, and then the siblings: Mary (30), Harry (26), Suzie (25), Daniel (18), Jeremiah (17), Sally (16), Jedediah (13), the twins Bob and Bobby (11), Will (8), Billy (7), and Nub (4). as for other characters who aren’t a part of the family, there’s Martha May, Paul’s wife. they have an open relationship but they do love each other. and Jimothy Tim Timothy is Paul’s fishing buddy who is quite literally a space alien but Paul just doesn’t notice somehow.
some information about the family members! grandma and grandpa are related and they’re also completely catatonic, sitting in rocking chairs and staring at the wall all day. sometimes they randomly scream at nothing. Ma and Pa are also related, and they can either be very sweet or incredibly mean. Mary sells morphine for the price of either a cow, three pigs, or five and a half chickens. minors get it free tho. and no one knows where she gets it. Harry is kind of just. a creep? i guess? not due to any fault of his own- it’s because of his lack of social skills due to the isolation of the farm. Suzie likes to sneak off into the cornfield and have sèxûâl intęrcöurse with their scarecrow. Daniel’s girlfriend is a cactus. Jeremiah likes to steal and use Mary’s drugs. Sally snuck into the local town one day and learned about transgenderism which helped her discover the fact that she’s a woman- due to her being trans, the family knows about and accepts trans people. Jedediah is actually a chupacabra/ human hybrid and is the result of their Ma cheating on their Pa with a chupacabra. he has frequent violent outbursts and sometimes eats the farm animals alive. Bob and Bobby are nonverbal and very shy. Will sneaks into the town to learn and therefore knows a lot of their beliefs are wrong- for example the earth being flat- but when he calls them out they just say he’s crazy. Billy is very friendly and loves to meet new people even tho the rest of the family are very nervous around new people. Nub thinks horses and dogs are the same thing.
Paul has a horse named Ambrose who is actually a skinwalker but he doesn’t know that and it’s not like he’s violent towards any of the Ball family. he just doesn’t question the fact that his horse can make crème brûlée.
the family runs on cannibalism even tho they have farm animals and a vegetable garden- they just kinda prefer human meat (also bc of Ma’s misinterpreting the bible. she thinks that’s what “consuming the flesh” is supposed to look like)
Paul is the only family member who really goes out. he likes going on adventures with Ambrose.
he can operate a stick-shift with his beard.
i’ll also add a link to his quotev where you can find more information about him through his own POV.